People and businesses in Leiston are being invited to have their say in helping to regenerate part of the town centre.
Proposals for developing Market Square - are part of wider plans for Leistion - and East Suffolk Council wants to hear from those living in the town.
Local residents and businesses are invited to give their views on proposals for developing Market Square in Leiston, as part of wider regeneration activities in the town.
Last year, East Suffolk Council commissioned a masterplan framework to inform and co-ordinate regeneration activities in Leiston over the next 10 to 15 years.
The masterplan, developed by LDA Design, includes improvements to public spaces, better connectivity between key locations, and enhanced cycling and walking routes. It also identified redevelopment opportunities in the town that could be brought forward in the coming years to help attract investment.
Proposals for 10 sites were identified, including Market Square to the south of Sizewell Road. The site, which includes 16 – 22a Sizewell Road, comprises 3 land ownerships; Telereal Trillium, BT and Royal Mail; East Suffolk Council and a private landowner. Following discussions with the other landowners, it has been agreed that the first phase of development will focus on the Council-owned land.
The proposals for the Market Square site aim to provide a vibrant additional space in the town centre, which complements rather than competes with the existing High Street and reinforces the unique character of the town. The proposals would provide a mix of uses, including commercial, start-ups, housing, a café and a new Town Council and library building.
Councillor Toby Hammond, East Suffolk’s cabinet member for Economic Development and Transport said: “The proposals for Market Square are part of wider regeneration plans for Leiston, which aim to attract investment and enhance the town for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors. The local community are vital to the development of the designs and I would encourage people to view the proposals and get involved in helping to shape this area for the future.”
Those unable to attend the event in person can view the consultation documents and submit their feedback through an online survey. The documents and survey are available at www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/leiston-market-square-engagement.